Ce poate fi mai captivant si in acelasi timp mai riscant decat o calatorie, mai ales daca aceasta se transforma in cautarea a ceva ce ni se infatiseaza ca indistinct, dar la care nu putem renunta.
Drumul nu este o modalitate de a cuceri fericirea, ci de a intelege ca aceasta se afla deja in noi.
Viata nu este decat o oglinda a gandurilor tale predominante.
Gandurile si convingerile tale, creeaza vibratia ta personala.
Vibratia ta personala determina circumstantele si situatiile care ti se intampla, generand ” realitatea” .

Ce este mai important in viata ?

Ce sanse mai are Romania sa renasca ?


The plan it wasn’t much of a plan
I just started walking
I had enough of this old town
had nothing else to do
It was one of those nights
you wonder how nobody died
we started talking
You didn’t come here to have fun
you said: „well I just came for you”

But do you still love me?
do you feel the same
Do I have a chance
of doing that old dance
with someone I’ve been
pushing away

And touch we touched the soul
the very soul, the soul of what we were then
With the old schemes of shattered dreams
lying on the floor
You looked at me
no more than sympathy
my lies you have heard them
My stories you have laughed with
my clothes you have torn

And do you still love me?
do you feel the same
And do I have a chance
of doing that old dance again
Is it too late for some of that romance again
Let’s go away, we’ll never have the chance again

You lost that feeling
You want it again
More than I’m feeling
you’ll never get
You’ve had a go at
all that you know
You lost that feeling
so come down and show

Don’t say goodbye
let accusations fly
like in that movie
You know the one where Martin Sheen
waves his arm to the girl on the street
I once told a friend
that nothing really ends
no one can prove it
So I’m asking you now
could it possibly be
that you still love me?
And do you feel the same
Do I have a chance
of doing that old dance again
Is it too late for some of that romance again
Let’s go away, we’ll never have the chance again

I take it all from you
I take it all from you
I take it all from you
I take it all from you

I take it all from you
I take it all from you

„Cel mai frumos lucru pe care il putem experimenta este misterul. Este sursa tuturor stintelor si artelor” – A.E.

„Dragostea este o fiinta salbatica. Cand incercam sa o tinem in frau, ne distruge. Cand incercam sa o inchidem, ne inrobeste. Cand incercam sa o intelegem, ne tulbura.” – P.C.

„Intotdeauna exista ceva nebunie in dragoste. Dar intotdeauna exista ceva ratiune in nebunie.” – F.N.

….cu aripi de vise…..

Luptand cu prejudecatile si obisnuinta, ma arunc in necunoscut ….muscand din noua realitate a drumului initiatic, in cautarea legendei personale…..

….te locuieste o stare nedefinita….un amestec de ametitoare melancolie si placuta contemplatie …a gestului, al atingerii….al imbratisarii noastre ….prea scurta pentru a cuprinde senzatia… si o repeti ….iar si iar……

romantismul ca o stare

Deschid ochii si totul se deruleaza intr-o cinematica lenta  ,  franturi din trecut impletite cu viitorul ,  pe un fundal de sunete dulci , parfumate

Dulce fior…

…atunci cand soaptele se ating intre ele si muzica lor se infiripa intr-un suras … te invaluie amintirile